Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nakamura Lacquer Company Essay Example

Nakamura Lacquer Company Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Our Company has limited growth in Domestic Market as we are already the best seller. We are having no international business. As classified by the Government of Japan, we cannot invest abroad hence should think seriously about export. The National China Company, the largest manufacturer of good quality dinnerware in United States has offered the annual purchase of 400000 sets of our product at 5% extra price for three years. Semmelback, Semmelbach and Whittacker, Chicago, the largest supplier of hotel and restaurant supplies in Unites States and buyers of dinnerware and similar goods for a number of department stores are willing to represent our â€Å"Chrysanthemum† brand for five years at a) standard commission rates and b) first 20% on all the sales Our Company will make during that time to recover the investment they are bearing for the introduction and promotion in United State. SITUATION ANALYSIS Our company is a market leader in domestic market. We are having no international business. For future growth, Company has to target the other segments of domestic market and to start exporting. Classified by the Government of Japan, We cannot invest money abroad. The National China Company has demanded for fixed order and Semmelback, Semmelbach and Whittacker, Chicago is willing to represent the company in United State. Both the offers can’t be accepted together. STATEMENT OF OPTIONS ?Domestic Market ?International Market †¢Export to other countries. †¢Offer from the National China Company. †¢The offer from Semmelback, Semmelbach and Whittacker, Chicago. CRITERIA OF EVALUATION 1. Existing production level 2. Investment 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Nakamura Lacquer Company specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nakamura Lacquer Company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nakamura Lacquer Company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Selling price 4. Profit 5. Brand Value 6. Time period required 7. Risk involved 8. Market segments EVALUATION OF OPTIONS 1. Existing production level: A substantial business, employing several thousand labors and production of 500000 sets of lacquer table ware each year so as to meet the demand from domestic market. Significant changes need to be done in the Company to trade internationally. 2. Growth: Company has a limited growth in Domestic Market as we are already the best seller. We are having a very little or no international business. The first offer enables us 80% more efficient company than the existing one after three years. While the second offer brings more potential in company’s growth in United State. 3. Investment: Optimum utilization of available resources is required if we need to cut down the expenses incurred in meeting the new demand. For domestic market, there will be no major rise in production cost whereas for international business, cost involved is more for changes required in meeting the standards of other countries, labor cost, expansion of production set up and company set up as the demand will be 80% in first offer and for second offer, demand may rise to a couple of million sets. . Market segments: We need to launch the new brand with better quality to tap high-class consumers in Japan. The other market segments like Hotel and Restaurant have to be identified. 5. Selling price: No major increase in price is applicable in domestic market. In case of other market segments, the price is to be comparable with price of existing. In export increase in price is more applicable. First offer has assured 5% increase in price where as in second offer; higher prices can be induced as the customers are like Hotels and restaurants. 6. Profit: The overall profit will be less initially if company introduces brands for segments in domestic market and will grow in the long run but the percent profit will be more or less same. The overall profit and profit percent will be more in the long run if company opts for export. First offer promises fixed rise of 5% in profit percent whereas in second offer overall profit and change in percent profit depends on the response from the customers. 7. Brand Value: Company will achieve more stability in domestic market as we will have brands for different market segments. First offer doesn’t contribute in brand establishment whereas in second offer, after five years brand will be established in United State and company will be globally projected. 8. Time period required: Time period may vary as per the response of the other market segments to our brands. In the first offer, after three years, company will be potentially double than the existing one whereas in the second offer, minimum of five years are required to establish the brand. The time period may be more than five years if the response of the customers not found positive. 9. Risk involved: Expansion of business in domestic market is less risky as our company is well established. First offer brings no risk as the offer is fixed in quantity and price whereas in second offer, the risk involved is very high. If the response turned out to be less promising, the cost incurred in increasing the production level, set up will be hard to recover. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. To invest for other market segments in Japan. 2. The company should accept the first offer. 3. The company should look at the similar opportunities as the second offer for the business in other countries. ACTION PLAN: 1. A market survey of Japan to understand the exact need from the different segments. 2. Evaluation of our company’s current production capacity. Optimization of labor cost. 3. Survey of international market to understand the requirements from different countries and to know the major competitors available and their market share. CONTINGENCY PLAN: ?We need not worry about the possibility of failure while meeting the demand generated by The National china Company. ?Failure to tap the other segments of domestic market will not cost the company much.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Lenin essays

Lenin essays How far was Stalinism the outcome of Leninist political practice? The political system which existed in the Soviet Union under Stalin was a system of terror. The purges of the 1930s sent millions of Russians to their deaths or to the Gulags, the population was scared of the secret police, the NKVD, the forced collectivization of agriculture had wiped out a part of Russian society, the Kulaks. The show trials of the thirties had firmly established Stalin as the leader of the Soviet Union. What requires investigation is how far was this regime of terror a new entity in the Soviet Union or how far it was a continuation the state set up by Lenin after the Russian revolution in 1917. The regime set up by Lenin did have a secret police, the Cheka and it was authoritarian, especially in the the years after the revolution and the civil war. There was forced grain requisitioning during the period of War Communism and political enemies were exiled. That is by no means in question. The difference is that during the Leninist years there was not the wholesale slaughter of millions of Soviet citizens as there was under Stalin in the 1930s. It can be argued therefore, that Stalinism was partly the outcome of Leninist political practice because there were many similarities between the two regimes. However, the Stalinist system was by no means the inevitable outcome of Leninist political practice when one considers the differences between the two regimes and Stalin's personality compared to that of Lenin. One must also remember that Stalin's path to power was not a simple accession to power when Lenin died and there were other candidates for leader. Stalin had to out manoeu vre figures such as Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev to get power. Therefore Stalin was not, by any means, ultimately destined to become the leader of the Soviet Union. This may go some way to explaining why he felt the need to be so repressive to any potential political enemies. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Capitalism and Our Society

Capitalism and Our Society Essay From the very dawn of intelligent human interaction to the present day,the concept of capitalism has dominated the way we trade goods andacquire wealth. Except for the necessity of a simple communist society inpre-modern times, or the noble humanistic notion of a socialist society,the free market has always been the most efficient way to run the economyonce the most basic needs of life have been satisfied. Only during thelast several hundred years has the idea of a modern democracy beendeveloped and applied through the modern state. These two concepts arethought by some to be interrelated, but contemporary critics of theliberal form of democracy seek to separate the two notions of capitalismand democracy. However, when examining the evidence of the relation ofthe two, let us not use the altered conceptions or versions of theseterms, but rather analyse them by their base meanings as we have come tounderstand them. After this analysis of the terms and a resultingstipulation of what the ir base meanings are, critics may say that anyfurther analysis of the relationship between the two terms would betainted by their supposed definitions. The problem with this is thatwithout a common frame of reference between the two, no comparison wouldbe logically possible without considering an infinite range of possiblemeanings. With this technical matter aside, the analysis will continuewith an investigation into arguments both for and against the separationof the two terms, and then an evaluation of the true nature ofcapitalismrsquos relationship with democracy. Specifically the freemarket economy dictating the actions of any democratic regime. After thistask of evaluation is complete, the argument will conclude withillustrating how capitalism will actually lead to a more liberal form ofdemocracy. The first step of this investigation is to make some attempt to achieve acommon frame of reference between the two terms. Literally, democracy isthe rule of the people. Specifically, it is the organization in place toallow people of a specified area, through organized elections, to givetheir uncoerced opinion on who they want to represent them in government,or what they want government to do for them. The underlyingpresupposition is that government will always obey the command of themajority of voters. There are many limitations to democracy, such as thefact that people can only vote YEA or NEA on a specific topic area, thusproducing a dichotomy of choices that may not necessarily offer asolution to a problem. Also, people must leave most decisions to thepeople they elect, since they donrsquot have enough time to continuallyvote. However, the focus of this work is not to delve into this area ofcontroversy, but rather to take this understanding of democracy as thestipulated definition for this work. One critical distinction must bemade regarding Bergerrsquos understanding of the term, and that is thatthe term democracy does not include all the civil and human ri ghtsassociated with liberal democracy. Similarly, by capitalism, this work will not use any other connotation ofthe term other than describing the free market economy, where there isprivate ownership of property, and the economic freedom to buy, sell, ortrade with whomsoever you chose. The critical element of the term is thatthere is limited government in place to enforce contracts and to providea safe trading environment. Another specific meaning given to capitalismis by Friedman, who describes capitalism as economic cooperation, whereboth parties are benefiting from the trade, provided that the trade isvoluntary and informed on both sides. READ: Freedom and Opression in Literature EssayThe next step in the investigation is to analyse some of the argumentsthat capitalism is separate from democracy. Dryzek argued that anindividualrsquos consumer preferences wereproperly expressed in the economy, while the same persons politicalpreferences were expressed in politics3. This perspective indicates thatthe capitalist economy is a separate entity form the democratic politicalsystem, because these are two different institutions into which anindividual can state his or her preferences, depending on whether theyare economically or politically motivated. On the other hand, history hasgiven many examples of how a personrsquos economic preferences have beenstated in the political forum, such as voting for a politician that haspromised to reduce taxes or to establish free trade between two states. That same person could only express those preferences in the politicalforum, because they alone would have no power to change the structure ofthe economy such that it would seem advantageous to lower taxes

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Soft Systems Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Soft Systems Methodology - Essay Example This action research-based, interpretive approach is strongly influenced by Vickers' (1968, pp.59,176) description of the importance of appreciative systems in dealing with human complexity. Checkland (1981), and Checkland and Scholes (1990) have attempted to transform these ideas from systems theory into a practical methodology that is called Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). Soft Systems Methodology developed by Professor Peter Checkland is a way of dealing with problem situations in which there is a high social, political and human activity component. (Checkland, 1981) This distinguishes SSM from other methodologies that deal with hard problems which are more technologically oriented. Thus, SSM can be a useful research tool for understanding problematic ELT situations. (Holliday, 1990) Hard problems are problems characterized by the fact that they can be well defined. The assumption is that there is a definite solution and we can define a number of specific goals that must be accomplished. Soft problems, on the other hand, are difficult to define.When we think of soft problems, we don't think of problems but of problem situations. It is the classic situation of it not being a "problem" but an "opportunity". Soft Systems methodology was developed for the express purpose of dealing with problems of this type.His "Soft Systems Methodology" was created through a number of research projects in industry and its application and refinement over a number of years. A leading SSM specialist in Japan, suggests that SSM can be a useful research tool in the educational context, and argues that it can be applied to any messy, problematic human situation that requires decision-making aimed at improvement (Kijima, 1999) The most important feature of this analysis of data, informat ion and knowledge is that the act of creating information is a human act, not one which a machine can accomplish. It is the human being who can attribute meaning to the selected data. (Checkland, Holwell, 1998)SSM is divided into seven distinct stages. These are; 1. Finding out about the problem situation. This is basic research into the problem area. Who are the key players How does the process work now etc. 2. Expressing the problem situation through Rich Pictures. As with any type of diagram, more knowledge can be communicated visually. A picture is worth a 1000 words. 3. Selecting how to view the situation and producing root definitions. From what different perspectives can we look at this problem situation. 4. Building conceptual models of what the system must do for each root definitions. You have basic "Whats" from the root definitions. Now begin to define "Hows". 5. Comparison of the conceptual models with the real world. Compare the results from steps 4 and 2 and see where they differ and are similar. 6. Identify feasible and desirable changes. Are there ways of improving the situation. 7. Recommendations for taking action to improve the problem situation. How would you implement the changes from step 6. Step 1: Problem situation unstructured The initial stage consists simply of managers and/or employees (problem owner) deciding that a review or change of tasks and the way they are performed is required, and an analyst (problem solver) is called in to review and provide recommendations. Step 2: Problem situation expressed Step 1 is basically that people of the organization think there

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Writing 102 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Writing 102 - Essay Example Red even comes to believe in Andy’s innocence. In the initial days of his prison life, Andy has difficulties adjusting. Most of the prisoners think of him as a snob. As a result, he undergoes many tribulations including rape from a prison gang that refers to themselves as the sisters. Red is the prison smuggler from whom you can get anything you need from the outside. After a while in prison, Andy begins to work for the guards, filling their tax returns (King 56). This makes him a hero in the prison community. He also helps to set up a prison library. In the process of working for them, he begins to launder money for them, reducing his chances of getting out of prison. Andy admits to Red that he had friend set up a false identity through which he now has a lot of money. He dreams of an escape from prison and he dreams of Red going with him to Mexico. One day he manages to escape and his escape signifies hope for the other prisoners. Eventually, Red gets out of jail and finds the rock that Andy had described to him, underneath which the keys to the bank’s safety deposit box were to be. He instead find a letter inviting him to join Andy in Mexico and a $100 0 gift. Red feels a sense of renewed hope as he plans to join Andy in Mexico. The movie ‘Shawshank Redemption’ is based on Stephen King’s book. It was adapted screen directed by Frank Darabont. Just like the book, the movie takes one through the journey of despair that inmates can go through, and the importance of having hope and a strong spirit. Unlike the book however, the movies uses film language to bring forth its theme of despair and hope. Film language includes lighting effects, music, and different camera angles (The Shawshank Redemption, Dir Frank Darabont). In the movie, most scenes do not have background music to represent the lack of life that is characteristic of life in prison. There is only one scene that has music when Andy

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Term welfare Essay Example for Free

Term welfare Essay Government benefits provided to people with little or no income are referred as welfare benefits. The term welfare can refer to a number of different programs in the United States, but often refer to cash assistance. In some cases, this money may be used however the recipient wishes. In others, the money can only be used for specific uses, such as food stamps that can only be used to buy groceries. The welfare state expands on this concept to include services such as universal healthcare and unemployment insurance. To what extent are welfare measures necessary in democratic countries ? What can be the abuses and how could we solutionate those 1/ the importance of welfare Health Care A primary advantages of welfare benefits is promoting the health of the people receiving the benefits Since there is a general correlation between income and health. People who have no income and no health care will, statistically, live shorter and less healthy lives than people who have enough income to buy proper food and to pay for medical care. Support for Children While many adults are able to make choices about how much income they choose to earn, children cant . Children must generally rely on the money that their parents are able to make. Welfare payments, particularly those that are directed for the care of children, allow children to grow up with better nutrition, medical care and possessions that make for a more comfortable standard of living. Lower Crime The provision of welfare has been shown to lower crime. Although some may argue that welfare constitutes a bribe, providing people with some income takes away an incentive to commit property crimes designed to provide the person with money or property. Welfare alleviates some of an individuals economic need, thereby lowering crime and increasing the general stability of society as a whole. Income Distribution Another advantage of welfare benefits is that it more evenly distributes a societys wealth. Some many consider this a benefit in itself. However, others may consider providing money to people who did not earn it to be unfair. There is, according to Arnold, a demonstrated correlation between income distribution in a society and that societys stability. Societies with greater inequities in wealth generally suffer more social and political turmoil. Social welfare programs today provide assistance to the elderly, the unemployed, the disabled and the destitute. While these may at first glance appear to be noble undertakings, there are some who suggest there are disadvantages of the programs, both to the individual and to society as a whole. Among some of the majors disadvantages suggested is the high cost of these programs. Opponents of social welfare programs often argue that governments simply cannot sustain the cost of providing financial support to so many elements of society. Between 1984 and 2002, social welfare programs, including Social Security and Medicare, accounted for between 49 and 60 percent of federal government spending. Disincentive Pointing to Harvard University Professor of Economics Gregory Manikws 10 Principles of Economics, opponents suggest social welfare programs, particularly for the underemployed or unemployed, create disincentives for people to find gainful employment. Manikw asserts that people respond to incentives. For example, they work because there is an incentive to earn an income and support themselves. Social welfare programs risk removing this incentive by providing income for someone who is not working or who is unwilling to work, meaning they no longer have a need to produce. Sponsored Links Modà ¨les de Lettre Tous modà ¨les de lettres et documents sur Economic Impact According to Mankiw, a societys standard of living is dependent on its ability to produce goods efficiently. More workers producing more goods increases the economic output of a society, thereby increasing the amount of income. When people lose the incentive to produce, the nations productivity goes down and income decreases. This can in turn increase the burden on governments to support the welfare system and result in ever higher costs. When governments print too much money, the rate of inflation increases, raising the price of goods for everyone. Government Control Many opponents of social welfare programs suggest these programs create circumstances in which governments gain too much control over individual citizens. Citizens who rely on government programs for income and sustenance are in a position to allow government to have more say in their individual choices. Opponents argue that social programs allow governments to impose rules on day-to-day choices of welfare recipients because the government is paying for the services. Proponents further argue that even if government does not currently impose such rules, they may assert their ability to do so in the future.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Creating a Computer Program in the C Language about Super Smash Brothers Melee :: Biophysics Programming Gamecube

Super Smash Bros. Melee At first I had absolutely NO idea what to do for my biophysics final project. I wanted to make my program at least slightly interesting and this summer program is practically full of gamers. I decided to benefit my peers and myself by making my final project a program revolving around the Nintendo Gamecube game, Super Smash Bros. Melee. Before I wrote my program I needed the statistics of the win percentages of computers when they play a specific character. Both computer players have one life and both of them are at level 9 difficulty, the highest level difficulty in the game. I chose the map called â€Å"Final Destination† because random maps, although they create less bias, made the battle between two characters most of the time 50/50. I had the two computers fight for about twenty or thirty games to get statistically significant evidence for the win percentages of a computer character versus another. My program calculates the number of games needed to play to collect enough coins to collect a certain goal of trophies. Super Smash Bros. Melee uses a slot machine system for players to put coins in to have a chance to receive a new or old trophy. My program, however, can not actually be utilized to calculate anything in the game, for I had to add some tweaks to my program to make it more interesting for the viewers. The tweak I added was whenever the computer you were â€Å"betting on† won, you would win 5 coins, and whenever the computer lost, you would win 0 coins. That is not true in the real game, because two level 9 computers facing off would only get 1/10th of a coin each game. Each character in Super Smash Bros. Melee is numbered off in alphabetical order so I could input the win percentages between two computers. There are 25 playable characters in the game, but with the allotted time given, I had no time to test over 300 different combinations of characters (25x25 matrix) in one weekend. Instead of testing all twenty five characters, I tested five of them(which is still a lot of testing!). My program inputs are: 1) Character # whom you are betting on 2) Character # whom your character is battling 3) Starting Number of Trophies 4) Desired Number of Trophies(max 242)

Monday, November 11, 2019

Community Service Organization in Florida Essay

The aspect of community service plays an important role in the contemporary community as this serve the most critical and significant needs of the public through actual interaction and organization dedication. Community service organizations are mainly established to provide effective and efficient public works for the benefits of the society on a non-profit agenda. These organizations are motivated by their selfless intentions to address the critical needs of the public, which they find to be overlooked by the general social system. As founded by individuals who are motivated to cater to the needs of the common people, community service organization becomes the tool sufficing for the intricate needs of certain individuals in different aspects. In the state of South Florida, the Jewish Community Services manifests to be an important community organization addressing senior adult needs in their locality. The JCS organization has many service pursuits ranging from healthcare, employments assistance, rehabilitation, food services and others, which are all viewed to be among the important social service needs in the Florida state. As this state tends to rapidly progress, their general social system tends to overlook certain social needs, which are still important in the humanitarian aspect. Because of this, organizations such as the Jewish Community Services are founded to attend to their certain community services for selfless idealism. Indeed, this organization is making an important contribution for the betterment of their society establishing them as an important cogwheel in the Florida’s humanitarian aspect. Organizations such as the JCS give off important social services without expecting financial commensuration from their target patients as part of their idealism for selfless contribution. As such, it is only appropriate to give due support to the cause of these organizations namely the JCS. Putting in contributions and manpower involvement to their cause will further enhance their effectiveness and efficiency towards addressing their purpose in the Florida’s social community. Indeed, through participating or contributing to the activities and programs of the JCS social service organization, every individual can realize a humanitarian purpose of selflessly addressing the critical needs of others for the betterment of their life as human beings. Bibliography Jewish Community Services of South Florida. October 23, 2007. http://www. jcsfl. org/.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Motivation and Prentice Hall

Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 10/e Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Chapter 5 Motivation Concepts Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-1 After studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Describe the three key elements of motivation. 2. Identify four early theories of motivation and evaluate their applicability today. 3. Compare and contrast goal-setting theory and selfefficacy theory. 4. Demonstrate how organizational justice is a refinement of equity theory. 5. Apply the key tenets of expectancy theory to motivating employees. . Explain to what degree motivation theories are culture bound. Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-2 What Is Motivation? The processes that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a organizational goal ? Intensity – the amount of effort put forth to meet the goal ? Direction – efforts are chann eled toward organizational goals ? Persistence – how long the effort is maintained Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-3 Early Theories of Motivation Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory †¢ McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y †¢ Herzberg’s Two-Factor (Motivation-Hygiene) Theory †¢ McClellan’s Theory of Needs (Three Needs Theory) Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-4 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory Self-Actualization Upper Esteem Social Safety Psychological 5-5 Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Lower Douglas McGregor’s X & Y Theory X Theory Y †¢ Inherent dislike for work and will attempt to avoid it †¢ Must be coerced, controlled or threatened with punishment View work as being as natural as rest or play †¢ Will exercise self-direction and self-control if committed to objectives 5-6 Copyright  ©20 10 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Not Dissatisfied Satisfied Motivation Factors †¢ Quality of supervision †¢ Pay †¢ Company policies †¢ Physical working conditions †¢ Relationships †¢ Job security Hygiene Factors †¢ Promotional opportunities †¢ Opportunities for personal growth †¢ Recognition †¢ Responsibility †¢ Achievement Dissatisfied Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Not Satisfied 5-7 McClelland's Theory of Needs †¢ Need for Achievement (nAch) The drive to excel †¢ Need for Power (nPow) The need to make others behave in a way they would not have behaved otherwise †¢ Need for Affiliation (nAff) The desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-8 McClelland's High Achievers †¢ High achievers prefer jobs with: ? Personal responsibility ? Feedback ? Intermediate degree of risk (50/50) †¢ High achievers are not necessarily good managers High nPow and low nAff is related to managerial success Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-9 Contemporary Theories of Motivation †¢ Cognitive Evaluation Theory †¢ Goal-Setting Theory ? Management by Objectives †¢ Self-Efficacy Theory †¢ Equity Theory †¢ Expectancy Theory Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishi ng as Prentice Hall 5-10 Cognitive Evaluation Theory †¢ Proposes that the introduction of extrinsic rewards for work (pay) that was previously intrinsically rewarding tends to decrease overall motivation Verbal rewards increase intrinsic motivation, while tangible rewards undermine it Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-11 Goal-Setting Theory †¢ Goals increase performance when the goals are: ? Specific ? Difficult, but accepted by employees ? Accompanied by feedback (especially selfgenerated feedback) †¢ Contingencies in goal-setting theory: ? Goal Commitment – public goals better! ? Task Characteristics – simple & familiar better! ? National Culture – Western culture suits best! Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-12 Management by Objectives (MBO) †¢ Converts overall organizational objectives into specific objectives for work units and individuals †¢ Common ingredients: ? ? ? ? Goal specificity Explicit time period Performance feedback Participation in decision making 5-13 Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Self-Efficacy or Social Learning Theory Individual’s belief that he or she is capable of performing a task Self-efficacy increased by: ? Enactive mastery – gain experience ? Vicarious modeling – see someone else do the task ? Verbal persuasion – someone convinces you that you have the skills ? Arousal – get energized Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-14 Equity Theory †¢ Employees weigh what they put into a job situation (input) against what they get from it (outcome). †¢ They compare their input-outcome ratio with the input-outcome ratio of relevant others. My Output My Input Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Your Output Your Input 5-15 Equity Theory and Reactions to Inequitable Pay Employee reactions in comparison to equitably-paid employees Employees are: Paid by: Piece Time Will produce more Produce less output or output of poorer quality 5-16 Will produce Over-Rewarded fewer, but higherquality units Produce large Undernumber of low Rewarded quality units Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Equity Theory: Forms of Justice Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-17 Expectancy Theory Three key relationships: 1. Effort-Performance: perceived probability that exerting effort leads to successful performance 2. Performance-Reward: the belief that successful performance leads to desired outcome 3. Rewards-Personal Goals: the attractiveness of organizational outcome (reward) to the individual Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-18 Global Implications Are motivation theories culture-bound? ? ? ? ? Most were developed for and by the United States Goal-setting and expectancy theories emphasize goal accomplishment and rational individual thought Maslow’s Hierarchy may change order McClelland's nAch presupposes acceptance of a moderate degree of risk concern for performance Equity theory closely tied to American pay practices Hertzberg’s two-factor theory does seem to work across cultures 5-19 ? Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Implications for Managers †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Look beyond need theories Goal setting leads to higher productivity Organizational justice has support Expectancy theory is a powerful tool, but may not very realistic in some cases †¢ Goal-setting, organizati onal justice, and expectancy theories all provide practical suggestions for motivation Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-20 Keep in Mind†¦ †¢ Make goals specific and difficult †¢ Motivation can be increased by raising mployee confidence in their own abilities (self-efficacy) decisions, especially when the outcome is likely to be viewed negatively 5-21 †¢ Openly share information on allocation Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Summary 1. Described the three key elements of motivation. 2. Identified four early theories of motivation and evaluated their applicability today. 3. Compared and contrasted goal-setting theory and self-efficacy theory. 4. Demonstrated how organizational justice is a refinement of equity theory. 5. Applied the key tenets of expectancy theory to motivating employees. 6. Explained to what degree motivation theories are culture bound. Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-22 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Copyright  ©2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-23

Thursday, November 7, 2019

General Pattons Leadership and Communication Style Analysis Essays

General Pattons Leadership and Communication Style Analysis Essays General Pattons Leadership and Communication Style Analysis Paper General Pattons Leadership and Communication Style Analysis Paper HIS authoritarian father role modeled a successful totalitarian approach which would eave overshadowed any attempt at a democratic leadership style (General Patton, n. D. ). A leaders selection of a particular behavioral style depends In part on the schemata that he has stored in long-term memory (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 62). General Patton was a formidable and strategic leader. Patton is now considered one of the greatest military figures in history (General Patton, n. D. ). Unfortunately, his blunt and intolerant personality and his authoritarian leadership style, at one point, was the primary force In his fall from grace. Even though Patton enlisted excellent military technicians, such as General Omar Bradley, his authoritative approach stifled their suggestions and constructive criticisms; ultimately leading to not only their dissatisfaction and throughout the ranks (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 45). Albeit these military technicians were highly trained, if General Patton had utilized a democratic style of leadership the decision- making process might have stalled to the point of becoming ineffectual, war and the military often demand immediate and decisive actions (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 43 46). General Patton maintained strict control over his subordinates and demanded 110% effort from everyone. His expectations were over-inflated, rigid, callous, and unyielding. Once his mind was made up no other possibilities would be considered. Once Patton ordered General Trust to either perform the Impossible or be replaced (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 51). A democratic leader would have discussed, evaluated, and proposed a collaborated solution to the predicament. He was also Intolerant of shortcomings In others, especially cowardice. : A good leader has the wherewithal to determine the appropriate leadership style for each situation (Hickman , 2009, p 56). General Omar Bradley was considered the Gigs General due to his more democratic leadership style and understanding of his mens OFF needs. He stated, IT a witling napes to tense men I 0 Like to De tenure Walt Patton created and maintained a distance between him and his followers; believing that a fear of him would make them try harder (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 42). Leaders should be ethical and serve the common good (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 16). General Patton generally ignored the ideas, feelings, and rank of others, even superiors (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 51). In utilizing his typical downward and linear communication style, his retort to a Junior officer reading General Alexander command for Patton to stop his advance to the west Thats what you think it said. I think it was garbled in transmission (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 8). Communication styles General Patton did not employ the more effective transactional model of communication. His model was more in line with the action model of unilateral or linear messaging (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 8-9). If he would have developed a more interactive model with feedback from each receiver, employing a more participative involvement with his staff, his followers might have been more receptive to his decisions and changes (Libber McConnell, 2008, p 424). He demonstrated an uncanny ability to motivate his troops. Impression management is the key to successful military leadership Creating the impression that they are trustworthy, effective, morally worthy, innovative, and skilled (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 30 31). Impression management can increase cooperation, but his sometimes detrimental impression management undermined relationships (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 33). His statement The soldier is the army. No army is better than its soldiers exemplifies respect towards his men and communicates how vital they are to the success of the operations. But in reality, in almost every operation, he demonstrated more concern for the successful completion of his assignment than for the soldiers welfare. He personally directed the completion of most tasks; textbook authority compliance behavior (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 55). Patton tended to dominate communications with Leadership is about who you are [and] what you do, instead of Leadership is about how you act [and] how you work with others. Influence instead of force and collaboration instead of demands is a more effective style of leadership (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 10-11). Patton was a devotee of history, especially the classical age, and related many satirical lessons through its retelling. If the German officers would have accepted the Junior officers prediction that Patton would strike in Sicily, reenacting the Greek and Romans examples, the war might have had a different outcome. Storytelling is a technique for relating events, inspiring actions and values, as well as building strong relationships and a sense of affiliation (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 23). Patton was ordered by his superiors to repair the damage to his public image, resulting from his disrespecting an enlisted man with a slap, through a public apology. His charismatic style of communication facilitated him in account[inning] for his missteps in ways that reduce their negative impact (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p Follows communication Leaders play an intricate role in enabling their followers to perform successfully through acknowledging and respecting their needs (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 59). Needs are central to task motivation; whether the needs are basic (food, water and shelter) or Mascots Pyramid Self-Actualization (Bellman Deal, 2008, p 124). We can achieve our goal only if we fulfill the needs of our own people (Bellman Deal, 2008, p 123). Patton preferred the Theory X management approach, believing that subordinates exhibit a dislike and a lack of motivation for work, requiring active management, direction, and motivation by a superior (Bellman Deal, 2008, p 126; Libber McConnell, 2008, p 351 529). The leader who thinks of followers as generally incompetent Is much more likely to engage in authoritarian leadership that calls for strict supervision and direction (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 62). In contrast, studies generally demonstrate that followers perform best when they are allowed autonomy and active participation (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 56). Through his overindulged ego fog he does not understand how others perceived him, that there are 50,000 men on this island whod like to shoot [Patton], or that The men do not share Patrons sense of glory, because they are stuck there living each day with death tugging at their elbow. He expected his men to show discipline and extraordinary character and only then did he respond with respect. Patton epitomized the inconsiderate leader through his lack of self-control, superseded ego, criticizing of soldiers in front of others, making threats, and refusing to accept lowers suggestions or explanations (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 53). His decisions were sometimes corrupt, insular, and self serving. He demonstrated blatant arrogance; not acknowledging his own mistakes but instead blaming others. His insatiable arrogance was demonstrated in his arriving first in Messing, Sicily and in Bastions, France in spite of the cost of so many mens lives. He did not know how to match his mood appropriately to some situation; sometimes his irritation and annoyance led to anger and rage (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 29). His demonstrations of callousness to his men was the origin of his nickname Old Blood ND Guts; our blood, his guts. A leader must value the feelings of his followers in order to bond with them and illicit their best performance (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 28). Patton made a critical dysfunctional leadership error when he slapped an enlisted man for showing cowardice; violating the soldiers human rights (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 17). He believed his fall from grace was a direct result of the slapping as he states All glory is fleeting. He cant believe that something so trivial could keep him from fulfilling his destiny. He deifies himself when he states God will not allow it. Patrons personal assistant, Let. Colonel Cadmic is an exemplary follower, knowing what they want to achieve in life and commit[ting] themselves to achieving [it] They understand what tasks are most important to achieving the organizations vision (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 59). Let. Colonel Cadmic was also conciliatory; effective in appeasing General Patrons ego and needs. He assisted in Patrons Illusions AT great power: even tong Held Marshall Roomer was not present at ten campaign, he was still the originator of the battle plan and therefore, Patton did beat Roomer. Task vs.. Interpersonal Orientation As a leader, he excelled within the task orientated model, performing brilliantly with the technical military stratagems, but failed with interpersonal relationships, exhibiting poor people skills. An effective leader is able to maintain these two leadership characteristics in balance (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 51). In the functional arena he was admired for his successes; never allowing for retreat but instead demanding offensive tactics. Winning was exceptionally important to Patton and this autocratic leadership ideal was evident in his statements: Wars are not won by defensive tactics. You keep moving and the enemy cannot hit you. When you dig a foxhole, you dig your grave. He excelled in his knowledge; of the enemy commander, having read Field Marshall Roomers warfare tactics book, and the performance limits of his men and equipment, having supreme knowledge of the tanks. Also effective, was his detailed preparation of the physical environment and action plans; applying historical strategies from the ancient Roman and Greek times. His poor people skills not only created considerable tension between him and other commanders, as evidenced with the deliberate race for control of Sicily with General Montgomery, but also between himself and his men, as exemplified with the incident of the slapping of the soldier. He was told by his superiors amour worst enemy is your big mouth. Leaders must demonstrate valued personality traits such as integrity, sincerity, and stability in order to earn and keep the respect and loyalty of their followers (Hickman Johnson, 2009, p 28 32). Conclusion General Patton employed both positive and negative leadership behaviors. The contradiction of his leadership is an example of what a leader can be and what they should not be.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Professional development Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Professional development - Coursework Example They are a benchmark for the evaluation of nursing negligence. Professional nursing standards offer a methodology of assuring clients that the services they receive are quality (Kagan, 2010, 74). The standards facilitate accountability of nurses in their career. By virtue of standards, the society holds licensed nurses and those under them accountable for their actions. The practice of nursing necessitates specialized knowledge, skills, and autonomy in decision-making. Nursing care takes typically divergent paths. In essence, practice of nursing is dependent on the environment, the patient, the disease suffered, and the level of rehabilitation. Furthermore, nurses work in a dynamic society that is a potential source of career hazards for the nurses (Kagan, 2010, 77). They, therefore, are imposed to be acclimatized with the proximate dynamics of the society that contribute to proper healthcare provision. It is the moral obligation of any state to provide its citizens with adequate health care, which forms part of professional nursing. Standards and laws set by health agencies are often in response to the government obligation to citizens on matters of healthcare (Kagan, 2010, 78). In conclusion, practicing nurses are ethically and legally obliged to be aware of the nursing standards to minimize threats to their

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Fine Art - Social Class as Seen Through Art from the Renaissance and Research Paper

Fine Art - Social Class as Seen Through Art from the Renaissance and the Great Depression - Research Paper Example But as both these periods introduced sea changes in the existing social patterns, the works of art of both these peiods were also a balancing act between hope and despair. Morover, they were a balancing act between the tastes of the dominant and the oppressed classes- more so the art of the great depression era. This is evident when the works of art of thes periods, as against the socio-economic backgrounds, are examined. During the renaissance art period, a fuedal social system was just about to transform into a capitalist society. But during the great depression, capitalism was already the norm though people were realizing for the first time in history, that all the hopes ensued by capitalism were after all not that real. The audience-Renaissance Art It has been observed that, â€Å"the art public of the Renaissance consists of the urban middle class and the court society of the residences† (Hauser, 6). This was because these groups in the society were the ones who had a say in matters of power. The working class consisted mainly of agricultural laborers and craftsmen who had no role in the political processes of the society. Art was unaffordable luxury for them. And the consequence of this situation has been that the renaissance art mostly catered to the elite and urban middle class tastes. ... evolving into middle class representations, the art of this period also developed itself into a preamble to capitalist views on life and creative expression. Renaissance art mainly decorated the mansions of kings and elites and also the wealthy churches (Woods, Richardson and Lymberopoulou). For example, Jean Hey was entrusted with the task of decorating the Bourbon Court of France (Woods, Richardson and Lymberopoulou, 14). The other side of this social phenomenon was that there was always a â€Å"level of material wealth that might afford one work of art but not another† (Woods, Richardson and Lymberopoulou, 14). And what naturally followed was that artists were prompted to create an elite class art under the aegis of their patrons. The audience-Great Depression Art When it comes to the art of the great depression period, the situation was totally opposite to what has been said above. It can be seen that â€Å"many artists became disillusioned with capitalism- the U.S. econo mic system- and turned to left-wing politics† (Damon, 14). And above all, many artists even used their art to support the proletariat class (Damon, 14). For example, Guglielmi, who was a renowned painter, was very much vocal in his support of the working class and his painting, ‘The Relief Blues’, showed a an urban family signing up to get relief funds from the government (Guglielmi). By following the path of realism, art could thus win a big audience including the working class and art became more appealing to the masses in this period. Murals, photographs and posters became popular and they created an interface between art and craftsmanship (Doss). The Artist- Renaissance Period In renaissance art, artists showed a tendency to revive the feudal values through rejuvenating classical art from